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Not Another Newsletter!

Happy New Year, a New Chapter For Me, and a New Book For You


Every time I think I've overcome a hurdle in this industry, even reached a stasis where I can maybe coast for a bit, something happens to make me have to pivot again. Not just pivot—swerve. Be thrown around like a coffee bean in a dryer. That probably applies to more than just the publishing biz. To life itself. Change is the only constant.

I was en route from my brother's house in Portland, OR, driving back east just before the holidays, when I received an email that made me realize I needed to make a big change in my career. One essential part wasn't working well. And unlike in years past, I couldn't just let things play out and hope for the best. I've been on an emotional journey lately to speak up more and be a more active player in my own life. It's affected every connection I have, mostly for the better.

Still, the necessary change was a terrifying thing to face. Writers, until they've broken out Lee Child-style, achieving enough clout that they know they'll be fine no matter which way they go, are vulnerable. We're all trying to mount a dizzying tower of blocks to the stars. Mixing things up, trading a known for an unknown, is like taking a step off into thin air.

Maybe we'll fly. Maybe we'll fall.

I still don't know exactly how this will wind up, though I did have a wonderful series of conversations as the holiday break hit, which indicated that the result will skew more toward flying versus a plummet. In my next newsletter, I should be able to share some specifics.

For now let me offer this new year wish for you, based on having forced myself to walk the walk. You deserve experiences in your life that amplify you, support you in being your best self. And because none of us operates in a vacuum, we need other people to do that. Make them good ones. If your circle isn't filled with them, if something isn't working, be open to change—no matter how risky it feels. Making a move can benefit you so much more than treading water in a muddy bog.

The Usual Silence is a Kindle Daily Deal!

The Usual Silence

For the whole month of January, the first in my new series is on special for $1.99.

One of the big debate points (if not schisms) in the book industry today is how to increase author discoverability given that readers tend to prefer books by authors they already know. (This is a finding borne out by some pretty wide scale studies. I'm always baffled by it because, while I too pre-order whatever is forthcoming from my faves—Grady Hendrix is up right now—I adore finding a new-to me author, whether as a splurge purchase or on loan from the library). I am so grateful to my publisher, Thomas & Mercer, for enabling readers to take a chance on The Usual Silence at this discounted price.

A New Book for You to Win

Deadly When Disturbed

D.M. Barr has penned a twisty mystery about two women fighting to discover each other's secrets while attempting to keep their own. What if the con turns out to be the conner? And what if she's even more dangerous than that?

Send an email mentioning a book you've read this holiday season, or received as a gift, or just have been meaning to get to, and I'll enter you to win an ARC of Deadly When Disturbed!

Rest in Peace, Andrew Pyper

Andrew Pyper

I was extremely saddened to learn of the premature death of Andrew Pyper, a scribe and reinventer in the genre of psychological horror. Andrew's books have been on my favorites shelf for years now, and his loss leaves a literary hole. By all accounts he was a truly good soul as well as a great writer, who met his illness with resoluteness and grace. I hope those of you who don't know his work may discover it now—including a recent and forthcoming release penned under a pseudonym. If there should be a grand celestial bookstore in the sky, Andrew will get to see his new one there, front cover out.



A very happy 2025 to everybody on this list, and to all those in your circle as well. Here's to a year of good changes, and lots of chances to share them together.

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